Your Non-Techy Guide to Transitioning From Google Business Profile Websites


In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, changes are inevitable, and one significant shift is on the horizon for users of Google Business Profile (GBP). By March 1, 2024, Google is set to phase out its free website feature, a move that may initially seem daunting to many small business owners.

This comprehensive guide is designed to walk you through this transition, ensuring that your business not only adapts but also thrives with this latest update:

Embracing the New Digital Strategy

Understanding the Shift

The decision to move away from free GBP (Google Business Profile) free websites marks a significant transformation in how businesses will present themselves online. Rather than viewing this as an endpoint, it's an invitation to explore and invest in more dynamic platforms like Google Sites or to enhance existing digital assets such as websites and social media profiles. This shift is a call to action for businesses to reassess their digital strategies and embrace new tools and platforms that offer greater control, customization, and engagement opportunities.

A Step-by-Step Transition Plan

Assess Your Current Online Presence

The first step in navigating this transition is to evaluate your existing online footprint. If you've relied solely on your GBP (Google Business Profile) website, now is the time to consider establishing a more permanent home on the web. Assess whether you already have a website outside of GBP or if your social media profiles accurately reflect your brand and offerings. This initial audit is crucial for setting the direction of your new digital strategy.

Explore Google Sites

For those looking to build a new website, Google Sites presents a user-friendly and cost-effective solution. With Google Sites, you can:

  • Easily create a new site by logging in with your Google account.

  • Choose from a variety of templates or design your site from the ground up, tailoring the layout to your business needs.

  • Migrate key content from your GBP website, ensuring that your brand's message and visual identity remain consistent.

Enhance Your Google Business Profile

Despite the phasing out of the free website feature, your GBP remains an essential tool for interacting with customers. To maximize its value:

  • Link your profile directly to your new website or an active social media page to maintain a seamless online presence.

  • Regularly update your profile with fresh photos and offers to engage potential customers.

  • Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews, enhancing your business's credibility and appeal.

Linking to Existing Digital Assets

If you're not ready to create a new website, consider leveraging your existing digital assets. You can link your GBP directly to your current website or social media platform, ensuring visitors can easily find and engage with your brand online.

Promote Your Transition

Effectively communicating this transition to your customers is vital. Utilize email marketing and social media to announce your new website or updated online presence. Make sure all your marketing materials, both online and offline, reflect your new website URL or social media handles.

Going Beyond the Basics: Maximizing Online Impact

Dive Deeper with Google Sites

Google Sites offers more than just basic website functionality. To fully leverage this platform:

  • Integrate with Google Analytics to gain valuable insights into your website's performance and visitor behavior.

  • Consider using a custom domain to reinforce your brand's professionalism and identity.

  • Experiment with various design layouts and multimedia elements to create a unique and engaging user experience.

Here are some helpful resources:

Stay Active on Google Business Profile

An active and up-to-date GBP can significantly enhance your business's online visibility:

  • Consistently post updates, promotions, and news to keep your audience informed and engaged.

  • Respond promptly to customer reviews to build a positive online reputation.

  • Utilize the Posts feature on GBP to highlight new products, events, or announcements.

Embracing the Future with Confidence

The transition away from GBP's (Google Business Profile) free website feature is an opportunity to rethink and revitalize your online marketing strategy. Perhaps you started your Business Profile back when it was GMB or Google My Business. And, at the time you “set it and forget it” and need to check on it and revitalize any of your content.

By exploring new platforms, enhancing your digital presence, and engaging with your audience through updated channels, you're not just adapting to change—you're seizing the chance to grow and connect with your customers in more meaningful ways.

Remember the platforms may change, but the opportunity to tell your story and showcase your business online has never been greater. And, what a great way to set yourself apart and up for success with the new AI Powered Search (Generative Search) rolling out across the USA and Canada.